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    Steffi Koster

    Real estate agent

    The only duo you’ll find in the office are Steffi and her dog Saffi. With a Bachelor’s in Commerce / Economics, Steffi brings her marketing knowledge, negotiation skills and a creative eye to our team. Eight years and counting, Steffi brightens her colleagues’ and clients’ day with her can-do attitude.

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      Yvette Peters

      Real-estate agent

      Born and bred in Amsterdam, Yvette has more than ten years’ experience of working in real estate in her hometown and was our first employee. She passionately believes in keeping her clients involved every step of the way, while she does what she does best: locating, buying and selling properties. Yvette unites the team, acting as an advisor to our agents.

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        Lieke Wassenberg

        Real-estate agent

        A high drive portrays Lieke, one of our NVM real estate agents. Very social and with a positive mental attitude, Lieke makes adventures a reality. You’re guaranteed never to have a dull moment but, most importantly, Lieke knows how to make great deals happen.

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          Daan Groutars

          Real-estate agent

          A passionate real estate agent, Daan has a positive mindset and an impressive can-do attitude supporting our clients in anyway he can to ensure results. Who says cheeky can’t be serious too?

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            Thany Lagendijk

            Operational Manager

            Thany’s dedication makes her a true go-getter. Despite her hefty responsibilities, she brings a welcome balance between work and fun to the DSTRCT office. Our operational manager, she also coaches our hockey team. What can’t she do?

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              Michiel van van der Zijden

              Founder & Managing Director

              Our managing director is not only a qualified NVM real estate agent and appraiser, he also has a degree in law. Qualifications that allow him to offer expert advice at every stage of the real estate process. With his strategic results-driven mind and strong communication skills, Michiel always knows how to get the most out of projects and people.

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                Guy Jacobs


                Guy, the creative brains behind DSTRCT and The Collective Studio, is a Developer and design enthusiast. Guy lives by the philosophy of Wabi Sabi – Japanese wisdom for a perfectly imperfect life.

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                  Eef Voeten

                  Art Director

                  Eef brings her innate style to her incredible interior designs. Our Art Director, Eef is the brand and creative curator of all things DSTRCT and The Collective Studio.

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                    Leon van Bloem

                    Marketing & Advertising Specialist

                    Highly knowledgeable and with a can-do attitude, Leon is an expert at marketing, advertising, emails and 360 campaigns. He ideates and actions the most forward-thinking campaigns that ensure DSTRCT stays #1 online.

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                      Noortje Boots

                      Interior designer

                      With a unique eye for detail, Noortje always knows what’s happening in the design industry. Being the first one to know about the latest trends, the hottest brands and designers to work with, she ensures DSTRCT is ahead of the curve.

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                        Anne-Sophie Stenwaga

                        Interior designer

                        Previously a notary in the South of France, Sophie decided to make a change and move to the Netherlands. Now she is one of the most talented stylists in Amsterdam. When she is not strolling through vintage markets looking for design treasures for DSTRCT, she is busy helping our clients transform their properties into beautiful, sale-worthy, homes.

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                          Giovanni Nardi


                          Meet Gio, our photographer with an extraordinary eye for detail and a background in architecture. Gio seamlessly blends his passion for precision and creative flair to capture moments that transcend the ordinary. With an architectural foundation, he brings a unique perspective to every photograph, making him an invaluable asset to our team.

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                            Sosha Zuiderduin

                            Office Manager

                            Meet Sosha, our office manager who is new to the team, approaches her responsibilities with eagerness and a commendable work ethic, contributing to the dynamic and efficient work environment at DSTRCT.

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